Sunday, March 18, 2007
KUCE-OLLI StoryTech Protocol

[KUCE-OLLI ] RJBurkhart - 03/18/2007 (Rev: 2013-Jan-15am)
1730 to 1829 F1RST American: Comm Unity of Practice (CoP)
Encroachment: Spanish Explorer Expeditions
Entitlement: Fur Traders & Mountain Men
Enforcement: Frontier Military Road
1830 to 1929 Kaw River Roots: "Waters to the Sea"
Dislocation: Indian Territory Treaties
Cultural Divides: American Civil War
Conflict & Conquest: F1RST World War
1930 to 2029 World Future Society: Eco-Futures Forum
Backcasting: Re*Framing IF-Only Mindsets
Forecasting: Re*Visioning What-IF Mindshifts
ALL-WinWin : Five Regions of the Future ...
Eco-History Trails-n-Tales : Persona & Perspectives
Gov & Mrs. Water Roscoe Stubbs ( 1909-1913 )
PSA: Public Service Attitudes ...
"The world of strife shut out.
The world of love shut in."
Digital Jaywalker - SEPT
:: Freedom's Frontier Writer's Journals
S: Social
E: Economic
P: Political
T: Technology
[1] Buffalo Trails (1740-1871)
[2] Traveling in a Sacred Manner: The Pawnee Trail
[3] Fabled Journeys and Furs: Spanish and French Exploration in Kansas
[4] Solving the Mystery of the West: Early Explorers (1748-1846)
[5] Making the Eagle Scream: John Charles Fremont
[6] River Highway to the Interior
[7] Santa Fe Trial and Trade (1821-1872)
[8] Ranches Along the Santa Fe Trail
[9] George Catlin's Journey into a New World
[10] Go West: On the Overland Trail (1840-1860)
[11] Hard travelling: Families on the Overland Journey
[12] Gold Seekers Cross Kansas
[13] Trail to the Top (1858)
[14] Emigrant Trails into Kansas (1854-1862)
[15] The Kaw: A River Highway (KVHA River Roots)
[16] Wagons West: Overland Freight and Stagecoach Lines
[17] The Pony Comes Through: Short-Lived Pony Express Saga
[18] Freedom's Route: Underground Railroad in Kansas (1830-1861)
[19] From Trail to Rail: Steel Serpent Comes to Kansas (Land Grants)
[20] Railroads and Rainfall: Promoting ... Paradise on the Plains
[21] The Camera Tells the Truth: Early Western Photographers
[22] The Chisholm Trail (1867-1877)
[23] The Cowboys Daily Routine on the Chisholm Trail
[24] Good Roads, Good Business
[25] Turnpike, Traffic and Tourists (KVHA Pathfinder Passports)
[26] Learning from Kansas ... ( Kanza: Comm Unity of Practice)
On Kansas Trails Bibliography (1986-1990) # (InOp)
Upper Wakarusa Watershed: Community of Practice (CoP) ...
Labels: distributed learning, leapfrog, social responsibility, watershed