Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Sustainable Architecture
Building & Culture

http://www.sustainableabc.com/ was cited as
a Re*Cycling resource by Five Regions of the Future Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 24, 2005


Universal Technologies:
Five Regions of the Future

You may have noticed that certain technologies appeared in more than one region. In fact, some played a significant role in all five regions either implicitly or explicitly.

These are the Universal Technologies.

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If you look at the Five Regions diagram again, you can see that universal technologies must exist because of the overlapping nature of the regions. Some of the technologies overlap between two regions, fewer overlap three regions, even fewer overlap four and five regions.

When there are three or more overlaps, we consider them Universal technologies.

A Universal Technology is the equivalent to the Swiss Army knifeā€”so handy and flexible that almost everyone finds a dominant use for it. But is it also important to understand that the aggregate of the Universal Technologies does equal another TechnEcology.

Universal Techs do not cluster around any particular set of values.

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Sunday, October 23, 2005


Fort Leavenworth Army Garrison
Guards Frontier Supply Chains ...

Delaware Lands Belonging to the Union Pacific Rail Way Company, Eastern Division

Map of recently ceded Delaware lands in Kansas which the U.P.E.D. was selling off to settlers.

Residences of individuals, apparently tribal officials, are indicated, as well as the Council House, the "Agency,"
and the village of Secondine, just east of Grinter Ferry.

Train stations along the Kansas River to Lecompton are shown, as well as some major roads. In evidence are the villages of Tonganoxie and Sarcoxiville and the the towns of Oskaloosa, Lawrence, and DeSoto.

An inset map shows the route of the Union Pacific
past Topeka and Junction City, down the Smoky Hill Fork.

Source: Union Pacific Railway Company, Eastern Division, Gast, Moeller and Co., Lithographers, Date: ca. 1867 Posted by Picasa

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