Monday, November 28, 2005


HICSS Future Thought Leadership:
ACM Snowfall Persistent Conversations

Sustainable Communities of Practice
... About Tom Erickson:

I'm an interaction designer and researcher
in the Social Computing Group
at IBM's Watson Labs in New York to which I telecommute from my home in Minneapolis.

I've been at IBM since June '97; before that I spent nine years in Apple's research group, and before that five years in a now-defunct startup called Software Products International.

My research focuses on designing systems that enable groups of people to interact coherently and productively over networks.

More generally, I am interested in topics such as genre theory, pattern languages, urban design, real and virtual communities, everyday routines
and rituals, ethnography, geography and the sense of place,
and the sociology of human-human interaction, all of which inform my approach to systems design. Posted by Picasa

ACM Multimedia 2004 ... Brave New Topics

Here's Tom's MentorshipART profile:

The face that crashed a Japanese face recognition system (it assumed that hair lines are located over the eyes -- those cultural assumptions will get you every time!)
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